I've been pretty quiet around here but truly looking forward to reflecting on this past year before embarking on a new one. From lowest lows to highest highs – 2013 has seen it all and documenting its highlights is important to me. I want to write down our story, so we can remember how and why we are who we are.
The new year began with a surprise visit from a best friend and her husband. We went cross country skiing (which resulted in the best GIF ever) and explored Dublin together. Our plant blossomed, which was kind of a huge deal. My dad also stopped by for a visit – and we spent an afternoon ice skating together.
I started my very first job out of college as a copywriting intern – and was greeted with a glass of wine and tell me all about it after my first day. David's dad made a trip across the Atlantic Ocean for a visit. We all went on a snowy hike and they went on a road trip through Scotland. This month also saw one of David's most epic snow beards.
In March we celebrated a best friend moving in just four flights of stairs away – and really, we're still celebrating. We also explored a castle in Lichtenstein with that very same best friend. There was a perfect picnic in a patch of purple flowers on an usually warm day. And ending the ski season with one last full day of mountains.
In April we made crêpes the French way and drank beer the German way. I also enjoyed waking up extra early for maybe the only time ever, which started a Friday morning tradition. We watched the sunset with friends on the roof. And soaked in the beginnings of spring with tank tops, going barefoot, and a picnic.
May started with celebrating our third anniversary over a 12 course dinner that blew my mind. I joined the office running team and ran in a relay race. A few friends from America came for a visit – and we learned how to make Chickfila sandwiches because we got a little homesick. There was lots of sunset watching and David started his very first job.
Two of my very best friends came for a visit in June. And I was sent to California to recruit host families for my company. In my little bit of time off – I had the best fish taco of my life in Malibu, posed in front of the Hollywood Sign, hung out on the Santa Monica Pier, spent an afternoon in Santa Barbara, and went to the San Diego Zoo with a cousin.
In July I was sent to Boston. My mom traveled there just to have oysters with me. My next stop was Orlando – where I met my brother before making my way back to California. I took a little time off to visit family and go on a road trip to Big Sur with my dad. David and I were finally reunited. And one of my oldest friends and her now fiancé (YAY!) visited us.
In August I started working as a full-time, non-intern copywriter. I also photographed my very first wedding – which was a total blast. David gave me a pretty ring that is so much more than a piece of jewelry. We took a trip to the French Coast with friends and stayed up really late to string lights on the roof.
In September we spent a long weekend in Barcelona with friends – which included trying croquettes and going sailing. There was a weekend in the South of Switzerland that consisted of drinking wine under the stars and sleeping in. We also went hiking in the Alps and spent a day exploring Geneva.
We made our way back to Georgia for two weddings in October (congratulations friends!). The trip also consisted of soaking up every second with family and eating pancakes at IHOP. Autumn came to a close with one last hike in the Alps. And we celebrated David's 24th birthday with Snickers and a movie date.
In November I went on a trip to the UK – and my favorite moment was taking in the London Eye's views. We bought a Prius and drove it to Lyon to surprise a friend for her birthday. David's cousin came for a visit and I turned 24. There was also a wine tasting on Zurich Lake and hosting our second Thanksgiving abroad, cornbread dressing included.
In December we ran a 10k under Zurich's twinkle lights. I shared a taxi with a best friend on the way to my company's holiday party – and it was one of my favorite moments of the whole night. David and I celebrated Christmas with a picnic in the Alps. And planned 2014 over hot drinks. David's brother came for a visit and we miss him already.
The year came to a close with counting down to midnight under the Eiffel Tower. It was filled with laughter, champagne, and the people we love – just the kind of ending that this year deserved. Three cheers for all that 2014 has in store!