I thought I would share the rest of my trip to England and Ireland with my two favorite pictures from each city. We made our way to Eastbourne after spending a day in London, but I didn't snap a single picture while I was there – so, we're starting in Brighton.
This place is definitely one of the funkiest cities I've ever visited. There were all sorts of people, independent shops and hole-in-the wall restaurants. And there's those awesome piers – the kinda spooky, kinda beautiful one that caught fire in 2003 and the one where all the fun is had.
Our next stop was Bournemouth – which kind of reminded me a lot of Florida. I know, weird. There's a pier there too. Apparently, those things were popular way back in the Victorian era.
Bristol definitely took me by surprise, which is funny because I didn't really know what to expect. But the whole town is so cozy. It just made me want to put a wool sweater on and sip a hot cup of tea for the rest of forever.
Oxford was definitely one of my favorite stops. I got really dorky about its history – which mostly came out in the form of OMGYOUGUYS! I bet C.S. Lewis walked on this sidewalk!! These are the kind of things that The Chronicles of Narnia (among other works of genius) do to you, people. You have been warned.
Cambridge will forever be the place where I tried scones and clotted cream for the first time. And walked around in a proper English drizzle. Basically this is where England and I reallyyyyy met.
Manchester is one of my favorite cities in England. There's this rough around the edges feeling – which makes you want to strut around like you're extra cool or something. Which I totally did.
We ended our trip in Dublin – and this city will always have my heart. Maybe it's the fish and chips or the charming people. Probably both. And the Irish dancing. Because there was that too.
Anddddd we'll end on our let's take a silly one! group pic. Love all of you people!