Sunday's adventure

12 March 2014

We left for a picnic in the mountains – and decided that a picnic at that little church sounded way more fun. I mean, just look at it all nestled on that hilltop.
We ended up winding through green meadows and passing by weathering barns. Pretty sure this is the most perfect, beautiful, stunning road that has ever existed. 
We've decided that taking more pictures together is something we should get into. So, that's our best attempt.
Loving these flowers because they're bringing spring along with them. This country is covered in purple blossoms these days – and I'm so into it. 
 She tromped through the woods, chased sticks and rolled in the dirt all day long. Talk about a happy Sadie – I mean, just look at that smile.
That's where we ended up. On top of a hill surrounded by Alps – the sun shining on bare shoulders and a warm breeze drifting through the air. Three cheers for Sundays.